This event is all ages.
Tickets starting at $60.10 ($45.00 + $15.10 fees)
For an additional $85.00, you can opt in to upgrade your experience to include access to the exclusive Looking Glass Lounge 30 minutes before and during the show! Please note all Looking Glass Lounge upgrades are subject to availability.
Join us at The Virginian one hour before doors for food & drinks!
All doors & show times subject to change.
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Ninja Sex Party
From humble beginnings in New York’s improv circuit, to their current regimen of rocking international stages, Ninja Sex Party (NSP) has become a force to be reckoned with in the comedy music landscape. Founded in 2009 by Dan Avidan (Danny Sexbang) and theoretical physicist-turned-musician Brian Wecht (Ninja Brian), the duo seamlessly blends humor with rock and synth pop, delivering side-splitting tales of romance, mythical quests, and of course, the occasional (very, very, very tasteful) joke of an intimate nature.
For the first time in over five years, NSP and TWRP are back on tour together, and they’re doing it with STYLE! Actually, not style: ELEGANCE. But actually, not just elegance: PURE ELEGANCE. That’s right, it’s the 2025 Pure Elegance Tour, featuring everything you’ve come to expect from NSP: Classy songs, exquisite showmanship, a refined, debonair atmosphere, and face-melting solos that will rend your flesh from your bones and leave you gasping for breath yet desperate for more as you fall, screaming, to the floor. Like we said: Pure Elegance.
Traditionally, bands have achieved success through great songwriting, performances, and an unyielding commitment to their craft. TWRP rejects this notion and has instead created a new path to fame: aggressive litigation. By reading this bio, you are now obligated to become a fan of our band. This is a legally binding document.